CDO Hosts Mindanao LGU ICT Forum

(from left to right): Jonathan Arvin Adolfo (CDO ICT), Stephanie Caragos (CDO ICT), Carol Echavez (DOST-ICTO), Lucita dela Peña (DILG), Councilor Jhonny Paul Lagura (Kapatagan), Atty. Jocelle Batapa-Sigue (BNEFIT), and Arrish Altavano (NICP).
Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines — Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP) and in partnership with the Department of the Interior Local Government (DILG), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and National ICT Confederation of the Philippines (NICP), in collaboration with the CDO ICT Business Council and Ayala Foundation, conducts a Mindanao LGU ICT Forum with the theme “Strengthening LGU Capacities Through ICT: Innovation. Competitiveness. Transparency” last September 3, 2015 at Dynasty Court Hotel, with LGU participants from all over Mindanao.
The ICT Forum offered an avenue:
(a) To promote the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in delivering services at the local level and in making regulatory functions of local governments more efficient, effective, and transparent;
(b) To listen, meet, and consult with top private sector providers and other local governments who have successfully used ICT for various aspects of their operations; and
(c) To apprise ICT providers and system integrators on how ICT can be integrated into government plans and directions.
Lightning talks from different key persons were presented:
Open Government Partnership: Localizing Transparency and Innovations
Ms. Czarina Medina-Guce
Executive Director, Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP)
National e-Commerce Roadmap:Impact to LGUs
Hon. Maria Lourdes A. Yaptinchay
Director, DTI E-Commerce Office
Juan-KONEK and Tech4Ed
Ms. Eva Mae Dela Rosa
Director, Mindanao Cluster 2 Field Operations Office, Department of Science and Technology-
Information and Communications Technology Office (DOST-ICTO)
E-Procurement System: Promoting Open, Transparent and Competitive Procurement System
Ms. Joanna D. Makalinaw, PS-Philgeps
E-Payments: Efficiency, Transparency and Accountability in Financial Transactions
Mr. Anthony Petalcorin, Deputy Chief of Party, USAID E-PESO

Mayor Moreno of CDO shares his experiences.
Local government units who have trailblazed innovations shared their experiences, including Cagayan de Oro City Mayor Hon. Oscar S. Moreno, Tagum City Mayor Hon. Allan L. Rellon, and DILG-Region 9 Local Government Operations Officer II and CBMS Focal Person Mr. Philip Cuevas.
Initiatives of ICT Stakeholders were also presented, including cyber security awareness, Project NOAH and Microsoft Cloud. Highlighted is the eGov Awards of NICP — a continuous recognition of LGUs excellence in ICT for good governance, with Atty. Jocelle Batapa-Sigue of BNEFIT leading its advocacy and discussion.
The event was formally closed by Ms. Stephanie P. Caragos, President of CDO ICT Business Council and Trustee of NICP.
Sponsors for the event include PLDT Alpha Enterprise, Microsoft, USAID, Canon, WSI, Syntactics, NG Khai, DSI.